Sunday, June 1, 2008

It Might Have Been the Soda...

Well, today was a very exciting day! The puppies woke me up at 5:30 am, like always, and then after a pee stop and a short walk around the block, we all went back to bed until 7, when breakfast is served. So I fed the cats and dogs, and was sitting at the computer checking my email and enjoying a tasty strawberry SlimFast, when I got the most horrible pain in my right side ever! I thought for sure my appendix had burst! Then I developed nausea and a fever, alternating with chills, and the pain wouldn't go away. When I started throwing up and realized I couldn't go to the bathroom, I decided I must have a UTI or appendicitis, so I took myself to the ED.
Once I got there, the doctor interviewed me for about 2 minutes and announced that I most likely had a kidney stone. A kidney stone!!! I'm only 26!!! But apparently I looked pretty bad, because they insisted on giving me IV fluids because my blood pressure was so low, and because, according to the doctor, I looked "awfully white." It took 4 nurses and 8 tries to get an IV in me because I was so dehydrated! My arms are all black and blue. Shortly after they got the IV in me and gave me some wonderful drugs, the pain disappeared completely. But they sent me to radiology anyhow for a cat scan, and the radiologist announced that yes, I had passed a kidney stone, and even better news, there is one in my other kidney! I really can't believe it.
So I did some research and it turns out that soda drinkers are more prone to kidney stones. So I am ending my diet Pepsi addiction right now. No more soda, I'm going on straight water. I know, I have little willpower, so you all have to help me. If you see me with a diet Pepsi in my hand, feel free to slap me!
Really, this whole hospital thing is getting out of hand. In my entire life, I had never been to the hospital once, and now I've been twice since January! Everyone there is really nice, but truly, I'd prefer to never see any of them ever again!

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