Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blog Avoidance

So I probably won't be blogging at all this week, since we are fast approaching our graduation day at puppy kindergarten, and still having some trouble with the basics. Luckily our instructor is having an extra class for another puppy who couldn't make it tonight, and invited everyone to join her. So we're going to get a little extra practice in!

Tonight went pretty well. The girls did well with "stay" and "come" in their tests, but "sit, stay" and "down, stay" proved troublesome for both. New tricks tonight were "leave it" and a long stay. Both did great! And as our last bit of fun, we had a parade around the store to practice leave it. Emma did exceptionally well, watching the Mothership the entire time. Izzy was a little distracted, but did okay.

And to finish off the evening, the girls got to have some playtime with their new poodle-friend Abby, who has improved so much since day 1, it's hard to believe. She was a bit of a barker in the beginning, and she's awesome now. The Mothership is now working with Woody on barking, but he's a tougher case that little Abby, I guess.

"See, Emma, socialization is great!!!"

So everyone have a great weekend, and I'll probably be back sometime late next week (maybe sooner) with tons of picks of the graduates!!!

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