Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Izzy, Emma, and Sarah Take a Mini-Vacation

Today was such a beautiful day. It was sunny, and warm, and dry, and gorgeous. What better day to go camp? I can't think of one, unless it's all of the above combined with a heat wave. (I seriously hope that doesn't happen!) Anyhow, I mentioned to the Grandmother that camp might be nice to visit today, turned around and saw Izzy and Emma perked right up at the word "camp." Very cute.

"Please, please, please can we go to camp???"

So, being the good dog-mother that I am, of course we went to camp! When we arrived, the girls didn't even stop to greet the Mothership...they ran straight down the stairs to jump in the lake.

"Emma, wait for me!"

We decided to test out the new Bubba Kong for Water that we bought at PetCo last week. I have to say it works great. Izzy can grab onto it while she's swimming, and she chases it every time.

BubbaKong is almost as big as Izzy's head. I think it helps her float, though.

Emma on the other hand, is content to wait on the shore until Izzy gets back to where she can walk in.

I guess if someone else was willing to fetch things for me, I'd sit back and let them, too!

Then she pounces and tries to get BubbaKong away from poor Izzy, who had to do all the work. Cheater!

"Get away from me Emma, I swam halfway across the lake for this!"

And that was our day at camp. Nothing too exciting happened, except Emma trying to roll on a dead fish, but I am ecstatic to say that she has learned "leave it" and walked away when I told her too. I'm so proud! (Puppy kindergarten really did work!)

"Gee, that was fun, think we can convince her to bring us back everyday?"

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