Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another Awesome Blog

Since I've been very busy training some overly exuberant lab puppies so they don't embarrass me at our weekly puppy kindergarten classes, I've been a little remiss in my (self-appointed) blogging duties.

But tonight I'm totally going to make up for that, and introduce you to another of my favorite blogs! This one is B-Side Blog and is more for the general population than my last choice, the DrugMonkey, is.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the wonders of B-Side at TVGasm, a site devoted to recapping many of my favorite cheesy shows. It was started by B-Side and his co-blogger J-Unit. Sadly, both eventually left the site, and took all it's fabulousness with it. But recently, I happened across his new blog, which is not just about television, and even better! So go visit it in all it's awesomeness!

On a somewhat related note, but kind of not really, I probably will have few to no updates this week, since puppy kindergarten graduation is coming up, and I don't want to fail all of our final exams. Since "sit" and"down" seem to be hard for Izzy, and Emma refuses to "stay" at all, I think I have my work cut out for me. Wish me luck!

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