Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Girls Graduate!!!

Yes, that's right, Izzy and Emma both graduated from Puppy Kindergarten, although I think it was more due to the fact that you really can't fail out of Puppy Kindergarten than any skills on my part. The day started out well, with various ups and downs to follow:

Emma and Izzy were in their Gentle Leaders, focused, and ready to go.

Once inside, however, Emma began to lose focus:
Abby lectured Emma to get her act together, but Emma continued to writhe on the floor, complaining of a headache:

Many tests were administered, including sit, down, stay, and puppy pushups. Fortunately no pictures survived to illustrate our poor performance, other than Izzy being lectured with a peanut butter spoon:
Graduation ceremonies soon commenced. Abby and Velvet both received their diplomas, with Izzy and Emma nervously hoping they had made the grade as well...

Phew...Emma's name was finally called, and she ran forward to get her Puppy Kindergarten diploma, leaving her sister behind...
But wait! Izzy's name was finally called, last, but not least, and she proudly sat to receive her diploma, after 6 long weeks of hard work and many treats:

And so, Puppy Kindergarten ended. We are all very sad, and can't wait until we enroll in another round of classes, as everyone has much to learn, and it was great fun to meet so many new dogs and people!

Izzy, Emma, and Sarah would also like to thank the Mothership, who spent six Thursdays attempting to be strict with her granddogs, as well as countless hours practicing...we all love you!

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