Saturday, June 21, 2008

Book Review: Last Dance at Jitterbug Lounge

I'll be honest, lately I haven't had much time for what used to be my favorite hobby: reading. Yet I still buy a bunch of books every week, because I have no willpower. Because of this, I have literally an attic full of books, as well as a bookshelf full in both my upstairs hallway and my living room. So when I suddenly felt the urge to indulge in a good book, I had an ample selection.

This week's choice turned out to be Last Dance at Jitterbug Lounge, by Pamela Morsi. I'll be honest, I picked this book out because of the cover, and the description on the back. The book follows two stories, one being the present day romance of a husband and wife, Jack and Claire, who seem on the verge of divorce when Jack's grandfather has a stroke, and they must return to Jack's hometown to take care of him. The second story is that of Jack's grandfather, Bud and his wife, back in the 1940's during WWII. The chapters switch from one storyline to the other, and it keeps things interesting.

I think the reason I enjoyed this book so much was that it's an easy read, like a romance novel, but the writing is a little more developed than your average cheesy romance novel. The story is heartbreaking, as Jack tries to understand his grandfather's life by piecing together stories from all his relatives, and also because Bud's story is told through flashbacks to the war, leaving his wife, and how he suffered after returning home. My only complaint is that the ending seemed rather abrupt...I felt like my copy was missing a chapter. All in all, it was definitely worth reading, and I'll probably read it again.

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