Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Izzy's Illness

Finally, we have some news about poor Izzy...after about a week of her peeing in her crate at night with no warning, and then starting to urinate around the house randomly as well, I happened to mention the problem to the vet. She asked for a urine sample, which turned out to be an interesting experience for both me and Izzy, but more on that another time. Kelly, one of our awesome vet techs, did a urinalysis, and it turns out that Izzy has white blood cells in her urine. For right now, she's been put on Clavamox (Augmentin for animals), and her urine sample has been sent off to Cornell to be cultured. And there I was, scolding her when I caught her peeing in the living room...I feel so bad, because it turns out she's not badly behaved, she's just sick! I hope that once she's better, her "mistakes" won't have become ingrained in her, and she'll be a nice, housetrained puppy once more!

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