Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chillin at the Farm

After Izzy's vet visit today, we decided to stop by the farm to check out the Fathership's new fields of grapes. While we didn't see much grape action, as the little plants had just poked up through the dirt, our visit did give us plenty of opportunity for photos:

Okay, done looking at the vinyard, onto some fun!

Emma and Izzy checking out the garden...aren't the Stella D'Oro gorgeous this year? Must be all the rain this spring!

Emma decided that the grass was perfect for rolling.

Izzy, diagnosed with dehydration just a few hours earlier, perked right up at the thought of rolling in something smelly!

Woody seemed to be the only one able to maintain a sour attitude throughout the day.

Izzy and Emma had a hard time staying out of trouble (i.e. not eating things the vet would be sure to yell at Sarah for!)

When the girls were called away from their stick, the perfect photo op presented itself!

And now it's time for bed, since all the frolicking at the farm has tired us out!

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