Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Review: TeaTree Mint Shampoo by Organix

I have a confession to make. I really, really, really like to buy shampoos and conditioners. I don't know why, all I know is I have a linen closet full of hair products that I've tried and disliked, and I have a basket full of the brands that I know and love. So why do I keep buying more? Clearly my citalopram isn't doing the job when it comes to compulsive shopping.

A few days ago I was in Walgreens waiting for my mother to pick something up, so I headed over to the health and beauty department. There are so many things to buy there from sunblock and sunless tanner to nail polish and mascara, that I felt a little overwhelmed. And then I came across the specialty shampoos. There was vanilla and coconut, chamomile and lavendar, and raspberry truffle. It was hard to choose from the plethora of shampoos. I narrowed it down to the carrot shampoo and the hydrating teatree mint. In the end the teatree mint won out, because really, who can pass up having hair that smells like a peppermint patty? Okay, maybe you can, but I didn't have the willpower. Plus it was supposed to be hydrating, which I desperately need since the highlight fiasco.

So I scooped up the shampoo and conditioner, at $6.99 (I know, frivolous), brought it home, and promptly forgot about it. Until this morning, when I stumbled across it looking for a towel. I quickly jumped in the shower, hoping for the best, as I've had many shampoo misfortunes. I sqeezed the minty concoction out, and was a bit suprised. It was the consistency of JELLO. Very weird. It took at while to get the suds action going, but apparently I managed, because it stripped my hair of every oil molecule. Okay, moving on to the conditioner, I thought. But my hair was so clean that I could barely get the conditioner through it. I have very snarly hair, for those of you not in the know. But I persevered, and finished my routine. I'll admit, I was a little afraid to comb my hair out, because it felt so dry getting out of the shower, so I left it wrapped up in a towel for a little while.

Finally, I worked up the courage, and to my delight, it wasn't too hard to comb through. Once my hair dried, it was really soft and smooth, although it feels very fine, which is strange. My hair normally feels like straw. So I don't really know how I feel about my latest foray into the world of hair care products. I'll have to use it for a few more days, and let you know. One thing though, I did get two compliments on my hair from random strangers today, and my mother said it was looking particularly bright and shiny. So maybe it's worth a try!

***UPDATE*** So after a few days of using my minty shampoo and conditioner, I had to switch back to one of my old standards because my hair was becoming increasingly snarly. Those of you with long hair know what I mean...when your hair gets brushed out and then half an hour later you can't run your fingers all the way through it. Since my hair is my best asset, this presented a problem. So my final recommendation: use this as a clarifying treatment once a week, or daily if you have greasy or short hair.

1 comment:

  1. haha, I am so like you, tend to be impulsive though at point. I also bought this shampoo. I live in Singapore and the shampoo costs lots more. I have yet to try this.. I have fine hair, am wondering if it will make my hair look limp. Will try and update you!
