Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hawaii Diet

Apparently my recent mention of my Hawaii diet has intrigued/confused some people. So I will elaborate. The Hawaii diet is not a diet plan. It is merely an incentive for me to stay on track. I am making myself lose weight because I am going to Hawaii in November and I want to be able to learn to surf. My balance is poor at the best of times, so I figure the more weight I lose, the easier it will be for me to surf. Plus, I won't be quite so self-concious on the beach!

So far the Hawaii diet seems to be working...I'm actually doing Points on Weight Watchers, but now I have a real reason to follow it to the letter, with no cheating! I'd advise everyone to find a "diet" that inspires them! (I actually was inspired to start my Hawaii diet when my friend Courtney noted that she was dieting in preparation to go to Aruba...she did the Aruba diet, I'm doing the Hawaii diet.)

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