Monday, June 23, 2008

Henry's Big Adventure

Tonight, I proved what a bad cat- and dog-mother I am. Not only did Izzy and Emma escape, but Henry was apparently outside for about two hours! It seems that after I took the girls out to "go potty", I must have left the door open, because about 15 minutes later I looked outside, and they were both chilling on the deck right outside the (open) screen door. I called them back inside with no incident, and thought all was well. But then at bedtime, I went to take Woody outside, and there was Henry lounging on the deck where the girls had been. He must have escaped when the door was first open, and been outside for hours! I feel so guilty! Of course, he most likely never made it off the deck, being a bit of a loaf, but still. He escaped! And I didn't notice! He could have been catnapped! I'm horrible!

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel too Henry went through a CLOSED screen door today and made his way down the street. At least yours are better behaved than mine.
