Thursday, April 10, 2008

Visiting the Doctor

Emma and Izzy had a very busy day today, with their second vet visit. I was a little worried that Emma was too skinny, and Izzy had some sort of parasites, and they both had runny eyes, but Dr. N says they are doing great! Emma went from 8 pounds at 8 weeks, to 15.5 pounds at 11 weeks! Izzy went from 10.9 to 16.2. Soon they'll be too big to snuggle on my lap:( To round out the big day, we stopped at the Mothership's house and the puppies got to investigate a new yard, while the Grandmother was swapping out winter clothes for some spring ones! They seemed a little scared of the new surroundings at first, but quickly acclimated. Sadly, I forgot my sneakers, so we didn't get to walk down to camp, but the lake was beautiful from the top of the hill. And on a final note, summer is officially on the way...Tom Thumb's is open, and the Grandmother and I enjoyed the first soft serve ice cream of the year! Yum!!!

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