Monday, April 14, 2008

Review: Smart Ones Traditional Lasagna with Meat Sauce

Smart Ones Traditional Lasagna with Meat Sauce
Points Value: 6

This was a very tasty lasagna for a frozen dinner, and only 6 points, too! Anyone who knows me is aware that I hate boxed dinners, but if they were all like this, I would probably eat them more often. It didn't take long to cook, and was delicious enough to be considered "regular" lasagna. While my homemade is a bit better, this was quick and easy to make, and tasty. I had a side of green beans with it to add to my veggie count for the day, and rounded it out with a glass of milk. Total points for the yummy meal? 7! That leaves some leeway for desert tonight, but I'm actually kind of full from dinner!

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