Monday, April 14, 2008

I hope Russia has a Humane Society now...

While I was tooling around the internet today, I came across this particular article and am a little shocked. Basically, the Russians decided back in the 50's to shoot some dogs into space to see if it was safe for humans. The rockets used were not outfitted to return home, but were rigged with a needle for euthanasia. Nice, right? I know animal welfare is low on many people's radar, and I'll admit that I can condone animal research in regards to medicine that has the potential to save lives, but I refuse to use cosmetics that have been tested on animals because it seems so unnecessary, as does the use of dogs to test if space was safe for lifeforms, because we really have never needed to go into outerspace, other than to prove how much power we have to our enemies. I think it's a very good thing for the Russians that this happened before PETA was around.

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