Saturday, April 26, 2008

Review: Lean Cuisine Chicken Club Panini

The Lean Cuisine Chicken Club Panini isn't too bad, but don't believe that what you're eating for dinner is going to look like the picture! Basically, it's a frozen sandwich that comes with a nifty little grilling thing, that should "grill" the bread while in the microwave. When these first came out, the grilling tray worked really well, and you could have a little sandwich. Recently, the grilling tray has been redesigned, and my sandwich ended up sticking to it. I was forced to use a spatula to remove it, which I feel defeats the purpose of a frozen dinner: to not have to do any dishes! Anyhow, it was very tasty, with cheese, chicken, bacon and tomatoes all mixed in. It is also very filling, so the 7 Points that it "costs" you to eat are worth it. The biggest problem, for me at least, is that it doesn't have even one serving of vegetables, so you do have to prepare some extra sides,. Baby carrots go well with it, I like their crunchiness to contrast with the chewy sandwich. Bottom line: for 7 Points, it's definitely worth a try, especially when you can find it at WalMart on sale for $2. And on an additional note, if you don't put the two pieces together to make a sandwich and instead have it openfaced, you feel that you're getting even more bang for your Point!

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