Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Day on the Deck

This weekend was absolutely beautiful, with weather that would make you think it was summer!

Except that daffodils don't grow in summer.

It was between 80 and 90 degrees Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so naturally we spent a lot of time out on the deck. (And to think I was worried that it was a waste of money!) The Grandmother and I enjoyed our new deck furniture that is remarkably comfortable for only costing $99.

Well, it only cost $99 before you factor in the 2 hours that it took Sarah to build.

Izzy, Emma, and Woody spent most of the afternoon alternating between chasing around the deck, navigating the maze of furniture, and napping in the shade.

"See, I'm exercising!"

Of course, staying hydrated was foremost on everyones minds, since water is both healthful and enjoyable on a hot springy day.

Izzy, proving herself to be genetically Labrador by watering the entire deck.

And then by jumping on her mother's lap, to ensure that everyone was happy, healthy, and thoroughly hydrated!

Emma had a different method of staying cool today, one which photos cannot truly depict, so I leave everyone with this video of Emma's First Swim:

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend as much as we did!

1 comment:

  1. I had a dog that acted just like Emma - we figured he was just trying to stay cool - never thought that she might be trying to swim. Really enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!
