Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Not a Diet, It's a Change of Habits!!!

Welcome to Sarah and Woody's Fit Pharmiechick Challenge!

Well, we've already discussed Woody's failed diet and exercise regime. What I didn't mention, because I didn't want to hurt his feelings too bad, is that since I got the puppies I've lost 10 pounds. Of course, this really isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it's something. So I've decided that in light of my mild success and poor Woody's further weight gain, we are going to get serious. We'll diet, we'll exercise, and we'll blog every step of the way! And please, feel free to join us on our Cruise to Lose!

Sarah's Goal: 135 pounds, size 12
Woody's Goal: 22 pounds, size small (dog clothing, of course)

Since I have absolutely no intention of posting my true weight at the present on any website, we're going to track ourselves based on percent of goal. Right now, we are both at zero, but that is soon to change!

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