Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just a quick note from Sarah and the Grandmother

Since the Grandmother came to live on Seward Ave, reading the Sunday paper after I get home from church has become a bit of tradition. Quite often we'll run across something that makes us laugh hysterically, but this little offering from The Ashton-Drake Galleries almost gave us hernias from laughing so hard:

(image scanned from promotional mailer)
I never knew that baby monkeys were born in diapers and t-shirt, and came out with a pacifier!

Yes, it's Little Umi, the most lifelike baby orangutan ever, except for, you know, real orangutan babies. You can get all this at an incredible value: just 5 easy payments of only $25.99. If you're interested in this masterpiece of amazing realism, head over to The Ashton-Drake Galleries at All Things Collectible, just search for Little Umi. Enjoy the wonderful weather today!

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