Monday, April 28, 2008

Review: Lean Cuisine Lasagna with Meat Sauce

I'll admit it, I tried the Lean Cuisine Lasagna with Meat Sauce mainly because I also bought the equivalent Smart One and wanted to compare. And I was a little disappointed with this one. While it wasn't bad, the Lean Cuisine option (at least mine) seemed to have way less cheese and sauce, and way thicker noodles. Now, the lack of sauce I really don't mind, since some of the Smart Ones really heap it on in lieu of other ingredients, but the lack of cheese annoyed me. This one tasted like lasagna noodles with sauce, so I ended up adding a pile of parmesean cheese to the dish in order to make it more palatable. Now, straight out of the package, both the Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones lasagnas are 6 points. However, I was able to eat the Smart One without any additional cheese, which I think ended up costing me about 4 points. (I'll admit it, I added alot of extra cheese!) So stick with the Smart Ones for this meal!

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