Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fence and Driveway in Progress!!!

To add to my excitement over my new fence, the people who are paving my driveway decided to come this week too! I woke up this morning at 7am to see the fencers already in my backyard dumping cement down the post holes so all the pipes stood straight and tall. Really, it's a beautiful sight, all those posts so straight, waiting for fencing so my puppies can run free! I'd tear up, but I'm suffering from some severe dry eye secondary to my Zyrtec and Claritin combo today! Anyhow, the fence people left and a mere half hour later there was a backhoe, a bitty steamroller, and a huge dump truck in my driveway excavating! How awesome is that? I'd put up some pictures of my yard-in-progress, but I'm kind of tired and have dishes to do. So more in a few days, when I'm hoping the projects will be complete. I can't wait to start all my landscaping!

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