Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Movie Night: Becoming Jane

My latest Netflix feature was Becoming Jane, which my mother and I settled in to watch tonight. I figured it would be a cute little love story, all the while forgetting that Jane's life didn't turn out so happily. You would think I would have known this, having written a term paper about her in 11th grade, but I'm always hoping for a happy ending! The movie turned out to be similar to Shakespeare in Love. You have star crossed lovers and the enjoyment of picking out bits of the movie that were pulled from the author's stories. Anne Hathaway was adorable as Jane, and James McAvoy was cute, but too short for the role. I suppose that shouldn't matter, but all the other men in the movie were taller than him! All in all, I enjoyed it thoroughly but will probably never watch it again, as it made me cry several times, and I do hate tearing up when I don't have a tissue and don't want to miss a scene! And I have a sudden urge to read all of Jane Austen's novels again. Thank goodness I'm on vacation in a few days!

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