Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bathing Beauties

I have to say, I think I have the two most amazing dogs in town, and the people that pull over in their cars when we're out on our morning walks all seem to agree. But they really surpassed themselves at the lake today. Emma finally learned to swim. I know, I know, what kind of lab doesn't know how to swim? And it's true, she was once able to swim, but something must have happened because the dog hasn't actually swam since late April. She'll go out neck deep, even sit and lay in the water, but will not paddle around. She's always been kind of a strange little dog.

Regardless off Emma's oddities, yesterday I carried her out a few times and then set her in the water so she could swim back to shore. It didn't seem to scare her, since she let me do it over and over, but she still refused to swim out herself. Well, not so today! The Mothership and I were out floating, and out paddled Emma to see us:
"Look, Mom, I'm swimming without floaties!"

I know I'm turning into some weird animal person, but I was so proud of her I almost cried. I'm kind of afraid I'll be one of those crazy mothers that attends all of my children's games in t-shirts with their pictures on them. So I think maybe I'll reconsider the whole child thing for now...

So, onto Izzy...Izzy has been swimming nonstop all summer. She'll come out with us while we're floating, and swim around for a while, rest on shore for a bit, and then swim some more. I guess she must have gotten sick of all the paddling around, because as I was shooting Emma's first real swim, Izzy decided to steal my SmartFloat. My first thought was "please don't pop the SmartFloat" because, well, SmartFloats are about the best inflatable water toy ever, and I didn't want to have to trek all the way down to Target to get another one. But then I realized that my dog had actually climbed onto a raft by herself, and was chillin in the water with the Mothership. You have to admit, it's impressive!

"Oh, a puppy's life is so tiresome, sometimes I need to kick back and float the day away..."

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