Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Merry-Go-Round Playhouse: Les Miserables

Until tonight, I had never seen Les Mis before, despite every other Geneva High graduate in my decade having seen it. This is mainly because my languages of choice in school were Latin and Spanish, and it was the French classes that had the privilege of seeing it. I was never really all that broken up about it though, considering the show is described as a story of "the power, the passion, and the triumph of the human spirit." I've never really been interested in the triumph of the human spirit. As previously mentioned on this blog, I'm more interested in cute boys and a happy ending. So I wasn't too excited about seeing Les Mis, and tried to convince my mother that we should give our tickets away, because I've also never loved musicals that have no spoken lines, just singing.

I am an idiot. Les Mis was great, and lived up to all the hype that has been spewing forth from the local media, about it being the biggest production Merry-Go-Round has ever done, and how the theater had to be expanded so that they could host the production. The actors were great, and the singing was wonderful. The sets were amazing, and so were the costumes. Overall, a great performance...I'm so glad I didn't give away my seats! Only two days left in it's run, definitely go and see it if you can!

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