Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fugly is the New AWESOME!!!

I think I have a problem naming favorites. When asked my favorite movie, I have about 10 that come to mind. To name a favorite book, I require a genre, as I can't name just one. I guess the problem is that I have many things that I really like a whole bunch. Like blogs. I can't pick just one as my favorite, I have several that I read on a daily basis. My latest discovery combines two subjects I am exceedingly fond of - fashion and celebrities. Go Fug Yourself is one of the most entertaining blogs I've come across. If you love looking at celeb mags and voting on who wore it better, Go Fug Yourself might be the blog for dissects the often strange fashion choices of the rich and famous, sometimes trying to get inside their heads to ascertain what precisely they were thinking while in their closets trying on shoes and pairing them with shirts but forgetting pants and sometimes even panties. Gotta love it!

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