Sunday, July 6, 2008

Izzy's Illness: Update

Izzy went to the vet this week for a checkup, along with Woody, Henry, and Ruthie, who all needed either rabies shots or leukemia vaccinations.

While she's better, the vet still can't figure out what's wrong with my Izzy. Her kidneys still aren't working right, despite the special kidney food. Poor Izzy. Although judging from her antics at camp today, she must not be feeling too out of sorts.

According to the vet, she most likely has a kidney infection, since our spot check urine sample showed more bacteria. Strangely, the new bacteria is not the same as the old bacteria, so we're sending yet another sample for culture to Cornell. Aren't I so lucky to live so near to an overly expensive Ivy-League university with a college that specializes in veterinary medicine? I guess for Izzy's sake, I'm grateful!

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