Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bonding with Izzy

Last Friday, Izzy and Emma were scheduled to be spayed, as I have no desire for little Izzys and Emmas to be tearing around my house in the near future, or ever. But because Izzy is on her third round of antibiotics (after conquering staph and strep in her bladder and kidneys, now we're working on E. coli...delightful) her operation was postponed, and my poor Emma had to go alone.

I dropped Em off at 8:30 am. I have to say, I always get nervous dropping my babies off for operations. I almost canceled Ruthie's appointment because I was scared she might not survive, because I am an idiot! And I was worried that Emma would make a scene at the vets because she hates to be separated from Izzy. Nontheless, I left her in Moravia, and headed back to the lake/farm with Izzy in tow. Since we had to wait until 4:30 to pick Emma up, we had plenty of time to play.

I decided we would practice fetching, because Izzy has a habit of leaving expensive fetching toys in the middle of the lake so that someone else has to get it instead...Luke has taken the Sea-Doo out on numerous occasions to retrieve what the RETRIEVER has refused to swim after. I have to say, for a dog that is mostly inclined to ignore any command sent her way, she did really well with our lesson:

Step 1: Run and get the ball.

Step 2. Tear around the yard while listening to Sarah tell you to "bring it here...come on, Izzy...Izzy, bring me the ball!"

Step 3. When Step 2 finally becomes boring, bring the ball back so that the process can be repeated.

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