Sunday, July 27, 2008

Emma's Catastrophic Day at the Beach

My poor Emma. First she gets spayed, which means no running, jumping, or swimming for two weeks! Finally, Friday she was allowed out in the lake. I was so worried that she would have forgotten all about fetching, as she had just figured it out the week before her operation. But no, she remembered everything, and even challenged Izzy a few times to swim out an fetch their Wubba Kong. I was so proud!

Saturday we returned to camp, as the weather looked promising. Iz and Em romped all over the shore as the Mothership and I cleaned up around camp. Then I took a break to get some sun out on the dock, and Emma joined me. I looked up a few minutes later and she was laying in a pool of blood. I kind of freaked out a bit. Heaven help me should I ever have a child who's been injured. I called up our poor vet, who is about the most awesome doctor on EARTH, and she told us to bring poor Emma right in. She had almost severed one of her toes on something sharp! They had to knock her out and stitch up her poor little foot, and now she's stuck in a green bandage bootie, and isn't allowed to swim again!

The green bandage matches her eyes in person.

I'll admit, I'm kind of sad because she won't be able to swim when we're on vacation. And she's so pitiful, she can't use that foot to get up on the couch, and she doesn't want to play with Izzy or knaw on poor Henry. But she's so cute, I can't hardly stand it. How did I end up with four such brutally attractive pets? Really, such good looks should be spread out a bit more!

Seriously, I have the cutest dogs ever...look at that face!

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