Saturday, May 3, 2008

Vintage Henry and Ruthie

The Mothership and I have been trying to organize all our photos...a daunting and somewhat unpleasant task. But we have had the unexpected joy of running across several photos that we thought had been lost for all eternity. My favorites, of course, are pictures of my babies when they were, well...babies!

This photo was taken during Henry's first overnight stay at the Mothership's house. It was January of 2007, when I went to visit Courtney for her housewarming party, and Henry needed a place to stay. He ended up loving it at Grandma's house, and has been back several times since!

This was Ruthie, in what was possibly her cutest stage of life. Looking at this picture, I still just want to squeeze her! This wasn't long after I got her, probably in June of 2007. What a little cuddle buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie doesn't look real. She looks like a toy! Love it!
