Saturday, May 3, 2008

My New Vegan Breakfast

I recently read the book Skinny Bitch, and have since decided to become a vegetarian, with the ultimate goal of being a vegan. Now, I've put veganism in my 10 year plan, as I'm figuring it will be a really long time before I can give up a toasted Velveeta sandwich, or skip a cool glass of milk with my grandma's awesome chocolate chip cookies. So for the time being, it's regular vegetarian for me. I've lasted 3 days so far (normally, my veggie stints are about 17 hours before I cave) and it's going fairly well.

But the idea of being a vegan is just fascinating to me, because if you think about it, everything has animal products in it. Cookies and cakes have milk and eggs, mozzarella sticks are cheese, even Bush's Baked Beans have bacon in them. So on my last trip to the grocery section of Wal-Mart, I decided to peruse the aisles for vegan fare. I didn't get very far, as Wal-Mart doesn't even stock veggie burgers, but they do have Silk. Now, Silk is a soy-milk product that I've always been terrified to try, since my unfortunate introduction to soy via a nasty tofu burger. But I resolved to try it, and picked out the vanilla flavor, which I thought would go nicely with my favorite granola, Cascadian Farms Oats and Honey. Tonight I tried a little as a desert, and let me tell you, if I hadn't poured the Silk onto the cereal myself, I would have thought it was regular milk. Awesome! Now, if only the soy cheese is as good...

Bottom line:

+ = YUMM!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that you are drinking soy milk. Are you feeling all right?
