Monday, May 26, 2008

Just a Quick Note

It's getting kind of late, and I want to go to bed, but I feel a little guilty that it's been so long since I blogged! So I'll just take a few minutes to discuss, as I promised over two weeks ago, MarioKart Wii, which I think is my new favorite game of all time!

The new MarioKart comes with a little wheel that your Wiimote fits into. I thought this would improve my performance from past MarioKarts, where you used a regular controller. I think I was wrong. I kind of suck at MarioKart Wii. Ok, I suck a lot. I seem to have very little control over where my kart goes on the track, and I tend to fall off the track whenever that's a possibility. Regardless, the game is fun, and I'm improving all the time!

Some cool new features of MarioKart Wii: unlocking new levels, karts, and characters, as well as motorcycles being a racing option. And if you have wireless internet set up for your Wii, you can play others around the globe, randomly or specifically your friends. Very cool, although I haven't tried it because, well, I suck and I'm kind of embarassed about it.
That's all for now, since I really want to go to bed after a long, but fun Memorial Day!

1 comment:

  1. i hope to share the thoughts with a helpful man
