Sunday, May 4, 2008

Review: Healthy Choice Four Cheese Manicotti

I think that the Healthy Choice Four Cheese Manicotti may be my new favorite frozen meal. Not only do you get 2 delicious cheesy manicotti, but broccoli and a dessert of caramel apple crisp to boot! All around, it was good. According to Healthy Choice, this meal is equivalent to 7 Points, which seems like a lot, but take into consideration that you're getting a full meal here - main course, veggie side dish, and a dessert! Per serving, according to the box, you are getting a full vegetable, but I was surprised that it doesn't count as a serving of dairy as well. Not that I have a problem getting any of my dairy in, but I know some people do. Overall, this is definitely going to be a repeat, since the 3 dishes made me think I was getting a real dinner, not just a diet dinner, so I felt quite satisfied afterwards!

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