Thursday, May 8, 2008

Disappointment at PetCo

Well, the Mothership and I have spent the past week exclaiming repeatedly how excited we were about starting Puppy Kindergarten. Okay, I spent the past week exclaiming, and my mother politely ignored me most of the time. Anyhow, today was the big 7:30pm we were due at PetCo for Puppy Kindergarten orientation. I could barely contain myself. Others were gathered in the designated area as well. But our instructor never showed. The Mothership and I were both very sad. The day we had looked forward to for so long was not meant to be. Now my babies will never be Good Canine Citizens after being so brutally rebuffed by their new teacher! Just kidding, I'm hoping class will just be bumped ahead to next week. But I am sorely disappointed...I was really looking forward to some housebreaking hints, and getting the puppies better at walking with a slack lead. Wish us luck!

I guess I'd better start working on "OFF" on my own!

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