Monday, May 12, 2008

Izzy and Emma Learn to Swim

Today was such a beautiful day, sunny and 70 degrees, that I decided to pack the puppies up and go to camp. Since coming to live with me, the girls had never seen water, and despite their Labrador genetics, we weren't sure what they would do! It turns out that Izzy and Emma love the water! They aren't exceptional fetchers, but they loved splashing and chasing each other all around the shore. We let them off their leads for the whole day, and they were awesome about staying right with us. Hope you enjoy our recap of the day, although we wish you could have shared it with us!

Izzy and Emma's Big Day at the Lake

Izzy was unsure what the large mass of water was for.

She decided that jumping in might be fun and persuaded her sister Emma to join her.

Sarah decided to throw a stick to see if anyone would fetch it. There were no takers.

Oh, wait, Emma decided to jump right in!

Naturally, Izzy had to follow.

A brief scuffle over ownership of the stick ensued.

Fortunately, Aunt Paula intervened, and no one was injured!

Sadly, all days at the lake must end, and Sarah instructed the girls to shake themselves off and head for the car.

Izzy decided she didn't want to leave, and made an attempt at escaping up the hill towards camp.

Seeing that her family was leaving without her and worried that she might not get dinner that night, Izzy ran after them. Everyone made it home safely for supper, and then Izzy and Emma settled in for a nice nap. What a great day at the lake!

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