Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Brief History of Ruthie

To celebrate Ruthie Poodaloo's one year anniversary on Seward Ave, I thought it would be fitting to review the past year in terms of Ruthie...

Ruthie arrived at Seward Ave via a pet store, where many customers stood outside to comment and laugh at her extra toes and strange stripes. But her soon-to-be adoptive mother, Sarah, saw that Ruthie's extra toes and asymmetrical stripes were not a handicap, but a gift, making Ruthie one of the more exceptional cats to reside on Seward Ave. So in May of 2007, Sarah took Ruthie home with her in a cardboard box to meet her new older brother Henry, and embark on a new life.

Ruthie quickly made herself at home, staking out the cushion of a loveseat as her new napping place.

Henry showed her the ropes: where to get food, the best napping spots, and how to convince Mom to give them extra kitty treats. He even shared his couch with her.

In turn, Ruthie allowed Henry to share her own small domain of the previously mentioned love seat.

Just two short months later, Ruthie was a true member of the posse on Seward Ave. So naturally, she got to move to the lake with the rest of the family. Vacationing with her family was a very interesting experience:

The Cat Carousel became her new favorite pasttime.

And Grandma Lynn came often to visit and rock Ruthie to sleep.

But all great summers must come to an end, and the little family made of one girl and two kitties returned home to Seward Ave. Fortunately, Ruthie was able to come up with many ways to keep herself busy.

Ruthie found new ways to entertain the family, including her Chalkboard Balancing Act.

She also devised an exhausting Cat Scratch exercise routine to keep herself in shape.

And she was also always very willing to pose for a photo op.

But then, one day, everything changed. Sarah brought home two new babies to join the little family. They were named Izzy and Emma, and took up much of Sarah's time.

Soon, more and more pictures were taken of puppies than of poor Ruthie.

Ruthie couldn't understand all the fuss, and decided to investigate these interlopers and their strange habits.

After taking a tour of Izzy and Emma's sleeping areas, she decided maybe she was better off being a cat.

Shortly thereafter, the puppies were housebroken, and Sarah had more time to spend with her Ruthie. And life on Seward Ave was perfect once more.

Happy One Year Anniversary Ruthie!!!

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