Saturday, May 3, 2008

A New Frontier of Shopping: Umbrellas!

A few weeks ago I got my monthly 10% off coupon for in the mail. So naturally, I went online and started compiling a shopping cart of everything I wanted. At the top of my list was a pair of galoshes that I have been lusting after since getting the puppies (and making midnight pee runs in the rain!)You have to admit, they're pretty cute. And they are easy to slip on when the pups need to go potty. And my socks don't get wet, so I don't have to waste any of my precious sleep-time changing socks before I go back to bed! And all this for just $19.99, which is an amazing deal according to all my research...similar models for going for $50 to $100 at places like JCPenney, LLBean, and LandsEnd. (If you, like me, find these boots necessary for survival, they're still available at Target.)

But of course, Target is never one to let you purchase only one item. Oh no, they line up recommendations like it's their job. Which, I guess, it is! Anyhow, one of my recommendations was this adorable Totes Elements Clear Bubble Umbrella in the Dots pattern.I fell in love with this umbrella and had to have it, since I've been searching high and low for one all spring to no avail. This one was moderately priced at $16.99, and is way better than any of the umbrellas I found in stores. It comes down over your head and shoulders, so unless you're in the midst of a hurricane, you really don't get wet, even with two brutish lab puppies pulling you about town. Sadly, it is currently out of stock, but for anyone who has to have one, may I suggest the striped version, which will also go great with those brand new boots you're planning on ordering!

While I was waiting for my purchases to arrive, the Mothership and I made a short trip to the outlet mall, and naturally I had to stop in at the Coach store, where I found the umbrella of all umbrellas:Isn't it just beautiful? Now, I'll admit I was a bit frivolous, as this one cost about $30. But then I went online and found that they were going for about $60 on eBay, so now I know there are people even more foolish than me. Should you feel inclined for this particular model, I think you'll either have to go to a Coach outlet store, or search for a Coach Bandana Umbrella on various auction sites, since it isn't available on the company's online store any more.

Well, that's all for now, since it just started sprinkling again, and the pups are due for another walk...I'm off to find my galoshes and bubble 'brella!

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