Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Girls (and Henry) Decide to Move to the Country!

That's right, at least for the summer months. The puppies, cats, and I weren't able to stay at camp at all this summer besides driving out for day adventures, because of bathroom issues at all three camps. You see, built back in the 1940's, before there was such a thing as building permits and codes, the owners of our little cottages used whatever materials they could scrounge up. Which means in our gray camp there is gas pipe used as water lines, the green camp's toilet is unfortunately unable to cope with the sediments in lake water, and as for the red camp, everyone is a little scared to even turn the water on over there. So, as I would be unable to shower or go to the bathroom, we've been spending nights on Seward Ave.

(image from
But now we have a plan! You see, in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, Lowe's started selling what they call "Katrina Cottages" which are plans for real little homes that are cheap to build, rather than those expensively sad little FEMA trailers they were trying to shove people into. Katrina Cottages are super simple designs that utilize inexpensive materials, making them very affordable. So we're going to build a super cute one where the gray camp is:
Now, if all goes well, it will be a real, finished, winterized structure, which means that our little family would be able to stay there most of the year, and rent a cheap apartment during the few months of unpleasant weather. That way, I'll be able to save lots of money, and eventually start building my "gentleman's farm" where I intend to have a gorgeous house perfect for entertaining, a large barn for a horse, cows, chickens, and goats, and some apple and peach trees. And no, Dad, there will be NO grapes. So sorry! Anyhow, even if my little farm doesn't work out, at least we'll have a place to stay on the lake with a working toilet! What a dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. Count me in for visiting your Katrina house. I'm a little confused about you being a gentleman farmer because you're a girl, and you don't like getting dirty. Farmers are always dirty:)
