Saturday, September 20, 2008

Harvest Time

Summer is my favorite season, mainly because it means we can spend time at camp. But fall and winter are awesome because of all the celebrations and decorating opportunities! I'm getting ready to decorate outside for autumn, which involves some gorgeous wreaths that the Mothership made me, and orange lights, chrysanthemums, and some gigantor pumpkins that the Fathership planted...I can't wait!

Fall also means that Halloween is coming...yay! I love dressing up, but don't get the opportunity for it, since my employer frowns upon wearing anything but red and khaki. I really, really, really want to dress up as a candy corn witch:

Sadly, I'm pretty sure, this is not acceptable work apparel. (Can you imagine being counseled by a person wearing this? LOL.) Even more sad is that my not-so-secret love of the edible version of candy corn pretty much precludes me from ever wearing such a costume, even while not at work.

On the bright side, this year I have puppies that can dress up! And PetCo is holding a Howl-o-ween party, so now I have something to look forward to! I found canine candy corn costumes, which aren't as cute as the human options, and perhaps a bit too frilly for my labs:

I'm thinking they'll probably end up as pumpkins, since that would be completely cute, or perhaps a devil and an angel, since those are two costumes that I think I am capable of sewing up.

Henry and Ruthie don't care much for dressing up. Not that they've told me in so many words, but as Henry tried to bite me a few weeks ago over the sailor collar that one of my technicians persuaded me to buy at Target, I'm thinking that cats prefer to remain in the altogether. Ruthie, however, is practicing her wolverine impersonation:

I don't think she's quite snarly enough yet, but she's still got some time to work on it.

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