Saturday, September 20, 2008

Merry-Go-Round Playhouse: Church Basement Ladies

Church Basement Ladies was an extra show that Merry-Go-Round put on this year. The Mothership and I decided to go, despite never having heard of it, because in general, MGR does a great job with things, and we figured we'd enjoy it.

We were so right! It was a super cute story set in a Lutheran chuch in Minnesota in the 1960's. There were only five actors, and they did a great job. The entire play took place in the church basement, where what I call "church biddies" hang out to prepare food for church dinners, fund raisers, funerals, and whatever else the church might require.

I think the real reason that I found it so enjoyable was that I could identify all the characters with women that I've gone to church with, both past and present. There was the older woman, very judgmental and set in the old ways, the kooky middle aged woman who loves everyone, the mother who might have been a bit wild in the past, but is now dedicated to the church, and her daughter, who was off to college, but still coming home to help out because she enjoyed the church community.

Definitely worth seeing. The songs were cute, and the actors seemed to really enjoy this performance, which always makes it so much better. I'm kind of sad that it's our last play of the year, although this performance has been extended, so I guess I could see it again if I start feeling too lonely!

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