Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday! I am now 27, which I figure will be a good year. I'm partial to any number with 7 in it, because ages 7 and 17 went really well as far as I'm concerned! I spent the day with the Mothership and the Grandmother, "gleaning" from the garden, which I always enjoy. Then we celebrated with my favorite desert, peach pie. Yum! It was delicious...the Grandmother makes the best pie on Earth! After dinner, the Mothership and I set off for Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, where we saw our last show of the season, Church Basement Ladies. It was very funny...we were actually laughing out loud!

I also got some killer presents. First up, I finally got the present that the Mothership purchased ages ago at MacKenzie-Childs. She told me she bought my birthday present but refused for over two months to reveal what it was. I turned out to be correct in my guess that it was a rooster, but I never would have guessed it was a rooster made out of glass beads! He's awesome:

I'm so proud that I actually received a present from MacKenzie-Childs!

Seriously, how cool is this rooster?

My Aunt Paula sent me two great presents: a giftcard to PetCo, which is one of my favorite stores, and some pumpkin scented lotion that I absolutely love. It's from Bath and Body Works, but I can't find it at their online store. I'm kind of sad, because I really want the body splash too. I'll have to go to the mall tomorrow and see if I can scout some out!

And one of my technicians, Denise, brought us some tasty mini-cupcakes at work. Sadly, I have no picture to post, because we made short work of them once the package was open;)

So thanks everybody for my lovely presents. And as a reminder, there are only 364 days until my next birthday...it's coming up, you know!

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