Monday, September 29, 2008

Movie Night: Idiocracy

Sometimes Netflix convinces me to take a chance on movies that I wouldn't normally watch. Take, for instance, Idiocracy, which is billed as being from the creator of Office Space...not one of my favorite movies! But, as I'm not the most discerning of movie critics, I'll give most movies a try. Which explains how Idiocracy ended up in my DVD player.

It was actually a pretty cute movie, although my not-so-secret love of Luke Wilson is probably more responsible for my enjoyment of the movie than the movie itself. He plays Joe, a military test subject for a hibernation experiment who ends up, with his female counterpart Rita, in 2505. It turns out that natural selection, instead of choosing the best and the brightest, picked the dumbest for procreation, and the world is filled with idiots who can't speak in complete sentences. So Joe and Rita turn out to be the smartest people in the world, and try to save it.

Overall, I didn't feel that I wasted my time watching Idiocracy. After all, it had Luke Wilson. And the beginning of the movie, which explains how society grew dumber and dumber as smart people knew better than to have children and idiots took to spawning like rabbits, was especially funny. And the narration of the movie reminded me of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is one of my favorites. So bottomline, I wouldn't go out of my way to watch this movie, but adding it to your Netflix queue wouldn't hurt you. But if The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is available, it'd probably be a better choice!

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