Saturday, September 27, 2008

Review: Say Yes to Carrots?

On a recent shopping expedition at our local Walgreens, I came across some beauty products called Yes to Carrots. Naturally, I had to try it, so I decided to get the shampoo and conditioner. After a week of using my new products, I'm still not sure how I feel about them.

The shampoo doesn't get very sudsy, which makes me think either my hair is incredibly greasy and thus using up all the shampoo, or it just doesn't work. Suds or not, my hair feels really snarly while rinsing, so I immediately reach for the conditioner, which seems like it gets sucked right up into my hair. Unlike most shampoo/conditioner pairs, I seem to be using twice as much conditioner with this one as shampoo. So my shower experience with Yes to Carrots is poor. But my hair, at least according to others, smells great. I can't seem to smell the fragrance myself, but that could be because I've been recovering from a cold for the past week. And my hair is smooth and shiny. An added bonus, I don't have to worry about it looking greasy with these products, as I'm pretty sure I could go every three days without washing and no one would notice. I haven't actually tested this out though, as I don't like to feel grungy.

Has anyone else tried Yes to Carrots? I'm going keep using this one, at least until my condition is gone. Then I'll pass the shampoo onto the Mothership! I'm not sure yet about trying their other products, although how can you really go wrong with body butter? Unless you're Vaseline Intensive Care and just stop making it, leaving your consumers with few other options to treat horrifically dry skin in the winter months. Yes, I'm bitter...

(Shampoo and conditioner available at for $7.99 on September 27, 2008 - just click on the photos!)

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