Monday, September 29, 2008

Round Two of Dog School: Basic Obedience

So Izzy and Emma have enrolled once more in one of PetCo's dog training classes. This time it's Basic Obedience, and sadly, the girls are the only ones there. Now, you're thinking that's a good thing, as they'll get extra attention and learn lots, right? Well, it's the extra attention that is embarrassing to me, because all of our faults are on display. Okay, mine and Izzy's. Emma and the Mothership seem to be doing quite well.

(Even when there are more interesting happenings, she is still willing to "watch me!")

Week One went okay. The girls remembered their commands, and the Mothership and I weren't too horrible. (Really, it's the humans being tested in dog school...the dogs are just the means for testing!) Week Two, however, was a different story. Izzy refused to cooperate, and I was SO embarrassed! I think she was punishing me for putting her walk off until after school. Never again! I shall take Izzy first from now on!

(At this point, Izzy wouldn't "watch me!" if she was starving and I was holding a steak!)

So now we're on to Week Three. I'm not positive about what our homework is this week, as I was so disheartened by my little Iz. I think we're supposed to be working on the girls coming to us, and sitting down at our sides automatically. I'm also working hard on the loose leash walking, since that's what upsets the Mothership most. We had a most successful walk this evening, if you ignore the fact that Emma was whisper-barking at some chick on her cell phone. But seriously, who talks on their cell phone outside at 10:30 at night in 40 degree weather? Someone who is hiding something from her parents, that's who. She totally deserved to be barked at, even if it was only a whisper-bark.

I just can't help but laugh at them. They're so sweet and goofy!

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