Sunday, September 14, 2008

Becoming a Gentleman Farmer

Apparently I am the only person who has ever heard of being a "gentleman farmer." Most likely because I love cheezy romance novels from the 60's, when there was apparently an abundance of gentleman farmers just waiting to snatch up pretty little women visiting the countryside.

A gentleman's farmer is someone with a farm that has an independent source of income, so the farm doesn't need to make a profit. It's farming as a hobby instead of a career. Which is why I will always be considered a "gentleman farmer" should I move to the country, because I have neither the stamina or the know-how to be a proper farmer, plus I actually enjoy being a pharmacist, and I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my career just yet!

I really don't want a huge farm, just 10 or 15 acres, so I can have some vegetables to freeze and fruits to can, and farm animals mainly for atmosphere. I don't envision myself milking a cow, and besides, how does one go about pasteurizing one's milk? I've always been desperate for a horse, and my grandma has decided that "we" must have some chickens as well, since eggs are getting so expensive. I have to take her word for it on the price of eggs, since I detest grocery shopping. Regardless, chickens would be fun!

And my current "livestock", consisting of Henry, Ruthie, Izzy, and Emma, would absolutely love life on a farm. Iz and Em could tear around all day, and I might even consider letting Henry and Rue outside on occasion...they're so desperate to go out I feel bad!

And yes, Mel, I do have plans for my country estate! Knowing me, they'll probably change a few times in the next 10 years, which is how long it will probably take me to get to the country, but nonetheless, this is what I'm dreaming of right now:

(image from
I know it's not that attractive from the outside, but as my country estate will be in the middle of nowhere, the interior is far more important, and as you can see, the kitchen is spectacular:

(image from
As is the deck, complete with an outdoor fireplace...I will have to find a lake for my country estate so that the deck can face it:

(image from
Oh, and the great room isn't too bad either, the windows look out onto the deck, so you can enjoy your gorgeous view even during the winter:

(image from
I suppose I should note that all my pictures came from my favorite home-plan website, To visit this particular plan, search for "Tranquil Living."

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