Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Office is Back!!!

I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for The Office to come back. I've spent the last four months watching seasons 1 through 4 on DVD, and was so excited for tonight's episode I could barely contain myself. Just as my family or the people I work with. I was a little annoying!

But finally it's back! And it did not disappoint, as Pam and Jim are still together. (We've already discussed my commitment to their happiness!) And so, now that my life is complete again, I think I'll be going to bed. But first, I'll leave you with a little message from Dwight Schrute, that I found over on

(I love it mainly because it's Dwight, but it also kind of reminds me of Luke and Matt and those potato guns they built when we were little. Good times...)

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