Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Days of Pictures

DAY 15 - What I wanted to be when I grew up, when I was still little:

I've always been conflicted about what I wanted to be when I grew up. At the age of six, I wanted to be either 1) Lady LovelyLocks, who is the ruler and protector of the Kingdom of LovelyLocks (where everyone has long and beautiful hair) and takes care of everyone and everything, or 2) Rainbow Brite, who lives in Rainbow Land and uses the colors of the rainbow to make our world brighter and our hearts lighter.

I still haven't decided. Lady LovelyLocks wears a pretty pink dress, has possibly the best hair ever, and has a forest full of Pixietails to do her bidding. Her archenemy is the beautiful but cruel Duchess RavenWaves. Rainbow Brite seems a little spunkier, is friends with all the Color Kids (I think she might actually be dating Red Butler, who is wicked cool), and has Sprites who mine her Star Sprinkles. She has to fight Murky Dismal and Lurky, two villains who live in the Pits of Rainbow Land.

Considering I am going to be 30 this year, I feel that it is time for me to make a decision. I'm going to go with Rainbow Brite. Really, her life goals of making the world brighter and our hearts lighter is much more ambitious than Lady LovelyLocks'. I mean, protecting the Kingdom of LovelyLocks is great and all, but does anyone really even know where that is? And as far as fighting evil goes, Rainbow has it pretty easy with Murky and Lurky. Duchess RavenWaves looks like she could cut a bitch. 


Wow, I can't believe I've struggled with this decision for so long when it all seems so clear now. Rainbow Brite is the obvious choice for so many reasons. But mainly because I still really want a Star Sprinkles tattoo, but I've never wanted a Pixietail permanently inked anywhere on my person.

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