Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 Days of Pictures

DAY 9 - Someone you would trade places with:

I know this question was probably about real people, but I find fictional characters to be much more interesting. And really, there isn't any real person I would want to switch places with, unless I could pick Britney Spears, pre-KFed. I think with my help, poor Brit could have avoided that whole unfortunate era of having sex on balconies in front of the papparazzi, driving around LA really slowly, shopping at RiteAid, and shaving all her hair off. But I digress...Britney Spears being out of the picture, my choice came down to Elizabeth Bennett (from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen) and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. After careful consideration, I realized that Hermione is the obvious choice. Yes, Elizabeth Bennett got Mr. Darcy in the end, and he was a total hottie with loads of cash. But Hermione is wicked smart, and a witch. She didn't need to find a husband to take care of her. Strong, self-sufficient, and able to hex her enemies...I love Hermione!

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