Saturday, March 12, 2011

30 Days of Pictures

DAY 12 - Something I hate:

Hating winter is kind of a recent development for me. I used to love the beauty of the snow and the cold didn't bother me. Now all I can see is the hassle of getting to and from work, worrying about the state of my driveway, and then the flooding that happens when three feet of snow melt in less than 24 hours and then you get two more feet of snow the very next day. My hatred started after I became a pharmacist (a job that unfortunately requires my attendance despite roads being closed due to inclement weather) but this past winter has kind of pushed me over the edge, since the region I live in has received 184 inches of snow since December 1. That's right, we have received 184 inches of snow in the past 102 days. I am not including the two inches that suprised me when I opened the door this morning, as they are not "official" yet. All I can say is Hawaii, here I come!

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