Saturday, October 25, 2008

We Passed Basic Obedience...Just Barely!

Today was our last class in Basic Obedience training at PetCo. And the girls passed! Well, not that they were actually tested or anything, but I'm pretty proud of them. They even posed quietly for their diplomas!

Izzy, still having some difficulty with "watch me!"

Emma, who has finally mastered the "down" command. Yay!

We learned a lot this time around, probably because Iz and Em were the only two students, and we lucked out and had two instructors! We learned how to walk on a loose leash, leave it, stay, down, respond to "come" with an appropriate finish (sitting at the person's side), and to "wait" as well!

I'm kind of sad that school is over, since it was fun going every week and learning new things. (Yes, I actually miss school, go ahead, make fun of me!) But it was really worth it...I think if we keep practicing, I will soon have two model canines. Now, if I can just keep them from chasing squirrels into the neighbor's yard...

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