Saturday, October 11, 2008

Scrapbooking Fun!

I'm finally back in a scrapbooking mood, and since all my supplies were nicely put away, I decided to make a new digital layout using some freebies I found online! I know it's a little early for Halloween, but since I'm sitting here with the glow of my outdoor decorations shining in through the windows, I was in the mood for a little fall fun:

The flying bats are courtesy of Bubble's Babbles' Halloweenie elements, and everything else came from Becca Bonneville's Treats kit, which are both wonderful! The picture of Emma is, of course, my own AMAZING work! LOL...I keep telling my mother that my photos would be better if I had a better camera, but I'm pretty sure even the most expensive camera on Earth won't help my inablility to take great pictures!

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