Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm such a slacker!

Not too much is happening here on Seward Ave. Izzy and Emma are still going to obedience classes. And Henry, Ruthie, and I all have colds. I'm feeling great, thanks to a combo of Aleve-D, Zyrtec, and Mucinex (gotta love polypharmacy!), but I feel so bad for little Henry and Rue. They're both trotting around with runny noses, and sneezing all the time. I hope they get better soon.

"I'm sick and you're taking pictures of me...what kind of a cat-mother ARE you?"

The girls have been spending lots of time with the Mothership out on the farm, running around the gardens and grape field. I drop them off at 8am every morning and spend the entire day at work being jealous that they're tearing around outside and I'm stuck indoors dealing drugs to people who constantly inform me that I will be voting for Obama. FYI - you make me want to be a conservative, and just for trying to force your political opinions down my throat, I'm going to go get some Sarah Palin bangs. So there!

Today it was so nice out that I let the girls spend most of the day out in the backyard while I did laundry. They're so sweet, everytime I come outside to visit them, they act like it's Christmas or something. They're better than Prozac!

"Ohmigosh...Mom just came outside...woohoo...this is the BEST DAY EVER!!!"

I have to say, having pets really does add some color to your life. For instance, I finally captured on camera (though not very well) what greets me every time I come up the back steps to my house:

Normally, he's not quite so sad looking, but remember, he's sick today, poor boy.

And last but not least, there's my little brown dog, Emma, who is providing us with "Crazy Dog Face of the Day:"

The dorkiest dog I ever met, but I totally love her!

And now I must be off to finish my laundry...I always save the red and khaki for last, even though it's what I need to wear to work tomorrow!

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